Thursday 11 July 2024

Shinty Grounds (G-I)

Glasgow Mid Argyll Shinty Club
Peterson Park, Yoker

Glasgow has had many clubs over the years including Glasgow Cowal and Glasgow Skye whose names reflected the Highland area from which they drew their players.  However, Glasgow Mid Argyll now draws its players from throughout Scotland.  GMA was established in 1928 and won the Camanachd Cup for the only time in 1973.  (From Wiki)



Glengarry Shinty Club
Craighead Park, Invergarry

I liked the fact I found a real live shinty ball here, and popping it on a fence post alongside a couple of tent pegs it (sorta) looked like a huge shinty ball alongside a pair of wee caman.

Glenorchy Camanachd
Mart Park, Dalmally

Now, there is a story behind this one.  Glenorchy Camanachd had played in the village of Dalmally since 1947, but had latterly experienced issues with the playing surface flooding.  In 2022, the club merged with Taynuilt Shinty Club to form Cruachanside Camanachd, playing at the latter's ground.

Trying to ascertain exactly where Glenorchy's Mart Park was proved to be more difficult than one would have thought.  The name suggested it would be close to the local cattle market, a fact confirmed to me by a local.

But I could find no shinty park there - just a large expanse of overgrown land to the left of the market buildings.  Was this the old ground?  Any help gratefully received. 

Glen Urquhart Shinty Club
Blairbeg Park, Drumnadrochit

Not much to say about this one - another well-tended ground with up to date facilities.  A fine place to watch a shinty match, I should imagine.

Inveraray Shinty Club
Winterton Park, Inveraray

The arrow on the wee road sign below is a bit of a red herring, as it points to the changing facilities for the club.  The actual ground is across the A819.  And a rather unremarkable ground it is too, its most striking feature is the Dun Na Cuaiche Watchtower which overlooks the site.

Inverness Shinty Club
Bught Park, Inverness

As can be seen, Bught Park is presently in the middle of a major refurb, with the creation of a new pavilion and an upgrade to the existing stand.  The current projected completion date is March 2025.

The big blue tent housed a gig by Rag'n'Bone Man the evening before my arrival.

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