Friday 28 June 2024

Kingussie Camanachd Club

The Dell, Kingussie

I drove up to Kingussie on a whim (the alternative was watching yet another East European Euro 2024 tussle) to take in my first ever shinty match.  And with jaw-dropping precision, I succeeded in missing seeing my first ever shinty goal scored, in the flesh as it were, by briefly taking my eye off the action to fiddle about with my camera settings.  

I also missed the third goal, as I was engaging with the porcelain at the time, but that was less avoidable.

Never mind though, there was a further three scores I did witness, as unbeaten-in-the-league this season Kingussie cemented their top dog status, and Glenurquhart cemented their place at the foot of the table. 

I enjoyed my day out, I have to say, but geography will probably prevent me adding visits to matches at all of Scotland's thirty-odd shinty grounds to my To-Do list.  I may settle for a few road-trips West and up North to take pix of the grounds themselves though.

There is shinty today at The Dell

The Dell is to be found on the eastern edge of Kingussie,
a brisk ten minute walk from the rail station.

The Dell sits in a loop of the River Spey

I was slightly surprised how (relatively soft) a shinty ball is, when I got to squeeze one!
Far more hazardous, I am guessing are the flailing sticks (camans),
as one Glenurquhart player found to his cost this afternoon.

He was swiftly patched up, and told to get on with it and not be such a big baby.

Helmets appear optional.

Panorama of The Dell, Kingussie

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